Friday 25 June 2010

Fiction Friday - Pieces o' Eight

Here's my attempt for this week's Fiction Friday challenge on the Write Anything blog, also submitted to the Friday Flash collection. The prompt was;

“Include a telepathic parrot in your story..”

"What shall we do with the drunken sailoooooooooooooooooooooooooor!"

Captain Scarlight lurched across the street. His voice cracked as he held the already-flat note. He threw his arms around a lamp post for balance.

"Well helloooooo, Mistress Gaslight! Sooooo good to see ye!"

A parrot swooped down to the nearest windowsill in a flash of crimson and electric blue. It cocked its head on one side, watching the captain dance around the post.

"Thusie! Ye made it!" cried the pirate. He clung to the lamp post. He tried to haul himself upright as he saluted the parrot with his free hand. The bird rolled its eyes and clicked its tongue.

For the seventy sixth time, my name is Methuselah.

"Don' do that 'talk in me head' thing. ‘S weird," said the captain. He shuddered.

Your men asked me to intervene in your escapade, thought the parrot. 

"Awwww they spoil me fun!" shouted Captain Scarlight.

Several couples enjoying the early evening air crossed the street to avoid the drunken pirate shouting at his bird. A woman reeled in shock when the parrot put its wings on its hips.

Samuel, you're in very grave danger of embarrassing yourself, and subsequently me, thought Methuselah.

“Ye need to....loooooosen up!” The captain shook his fist at the parrot.

A young man in an apron appeared at the window behind Methuselah. Flour dusted his hands, and streaked his hair.

“Excuse me, sir?”

“What do you want, pipsqueak?” The captain staggered across to the window. He slammed his fists onto the sill. The parrot fluttered out of the way, landing on Captain Scarlight’s shoulder.

“Why are you shouting at that bird? Is it yours?” asked the youth.

“Aye! What’s it to ye?”

“Well why are you shouting at it?”

“Am not! We’re havin’ a con-ver-sa-tion,” replied the captain. He enunciated each syllable carefully.

“You’’re talking to your parrot?”

“No, he’s talkin’ to me.”

I do wish you wouldn’t persist in laying the responsibility upon me, Samuel, thought Methuselah.

“Shurrup, I’m talkin’ here,” said the captain. He wagged a finger at the parrot.

"You're telling me that you can hear that bird talking?" The youth stared at the parrot.


"Say something then." 

The youth folded his arms. Methuselah rearranged his wings, and puffed out his chest.



Anonymous said...

I loved that. The captain should know better then to work with children and animals. They make you look like a fool everytime. Great story.

John Wiswell said...

This is the lot of parrots at sea. A water dish full of rum would help matters.

Chloé P. Kovac said...

I love the parrot's eloquence vs the Captain's inebriated misarticulation.

shannon said...

You worked magic here with a telepathic parrot prompt. Totally believable little character. Well done, Matey! :-)

Anonymous said...

Ha, just love it. Methuselah's is completely excellent.

What would Captain Scarlight (love that name) do without such a wise and responsible friend?

Excellent story.

Benjamin Solah said...

Loved the characters and dialogue here. It was such a fun prompt hey?

Cathy Olliffe-Webster said...

This parrot is as cute as a bug's ear! What a tweet-heart!
And you came up with an awesome story on such an unusual prompt.
I suddenly have a craving for crackers...

Anonymous said...

oh I love that parrot!!!!
great to read

Carrie Clevenger said...

This was cute as can be! Great character dialogue Icy!

Anonymous said...

Lot's of high seas fun in this one Icy. So love the idea of a telepathic parrot for a pirate. Had a good laugh after a crappy day. This could be a great parody.
Adam B

Jen said...

Ahhh cheeky parrot! I love how clever he is compared to what he actually says. Poor pirate. :)

Icy Sedgwick said...

I'm glad everyone likes it! I love the name Methuselah, and I love parrots...perhaps Captain Scarlight and his long-suffering sidekick will make another Friday Flash appearance.

Sam said...

I absolutely loved this! Made me smile at the end of what has been a trying week. My favourite line of, “No, he’s talkin’ to me” had me chuckling out loud. Bravo!

Tony Noland said...

Great, funny usage of the prompt!

Icy Sedgwick said...

I smell a buddy movie...

Laura Rachel Fox said...

Hilarious. So much fun to read. I was hoping for a good pirate tale with this prompt.

Scott said...

Great. I was smiling throughout the whole thing. I like how you took a cliche situation - pirate and parrot - and turned it on its head. Good job.

Joanie Rich said...

Great characters. Makes you wonder if maybe the captain is just imagining it or not? :D Split-personality disorder! This was a fun read!

Icy Sedgwick said...

Oh yay, I was hoping someone might notice that! Is Methuselah really telepathic, or is Captain Scarlight just too far gone?!

Chris Chartrand said...

Awesome fun. Great drunken dialogue, you captured his inebriation perfectly.

J. M. Strother said...

Thoroughly enjoyable, and I can so relate. I can often be seen talking to my beagle when out for a walk. He's telepathic. Yea, that's it - he's telepathic. :)

Alan W. Davidson said...

Yep, that was great dialogue between the Captain and his bird. I'm sure the witnessed will be calling for the straight jacket.

Icy Sedgwick said...

I think a telepathic parrot is just what the Pirates of the Caribbean movies needed.

John Pender said...

Simply written and to the point. I really like the interaction between the parrot and the captain.

Unknown said...

Fun work with the prompt and the theme. I like the possibility that the captain might be imagining the conversation.

Eric J. Krause said...

Good one! Loved the play between them.

Sarah Callejo said...

What a difficult prompt and what a great story you did with it!! I love the parrot's name, it's such a strong contrast with the pirate atmosphere.

Anonymous said...

A funny one! Loved it. Chloe's comment is spot on. I'd love to see these characters evolve through more stories and to meet the rest of the cerw. Captain Starlight as an unlikely drunken hero with Methuselah acting as the wise, unappreciated advisor?

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