The officers huddle in leaking tents, and the makeshift camp leans into the oncoming storm. The foot soldiers crowd around failing fires to warm their weary bones. Pharrigan, Lord of Rhyshire, stands outside his humble pavilion. His advisors scurry around him, offering him strategy and tactics, but few strategies can help a battalion of three hundred men defeat an army of almost two thousand. Lord Eddister's camp lies a mile to the north, in the shelter of the valley, while Pharrigan's men scrape out their meagre existence on the moor. The omens are ill-favoured.
A shout erupts from the edge of his camp, and he peers into the middle distance. Someone approaches, seated on horse back. The foot soldiers form a disorderly mob, but they fall back when the stranger reaches the edge of their defensive line.
Pharrigan stares in disbelief as he first sees the skeletal horse, with rags of flesh hanging from its bones, its hoofprints leaving black marks in the grass. Its rider hides beneath a tattered black hood, yet white hands grasp the reins of the gory charger. His soldiers cross themselves and lurch into one another in their haste to retreat.
The horse draws level with Pharrigan. He resolves to stand firm, but the scent of rotting meat sets his nerves on fire.
"You are the lord here?" The figure speaks with a woman's voice, firm yet frozen.
"I am."
"Good. I would discuss business with you."
The woman dismounts. Pharrigan clears the tent of his advisors, and invites her inside. She crosses the threshold and throws back her hood. Dark eyes burn in a pale face the colour of candlewax, and oozing sores cluster around her chapped lips. Blood matts her mane of black hair. Pharrigan struggles to suppress the stench of pestilence that hangs about her cloak. He remembers the tales of the Lady Contagion, memorised at the knee of his grandmother, but he never thought he would encounter the one they believed had passed into legend.
"You know of me." She does not ask a question, simply tells him the truth. He nods.
"The storm approaches, and it will not take prisoners among your men, so I shall be brief. You cannot win the coming battle, but you know of this."
Pharrigan nods again.
"I could ride through your enemy's camp and decimate its numbers."
Pharrigan gulps. He knows the tales of her power, and the awesome toll it takes when she comes to feed.
"Why would you do that for me?"
"I do not do it for you. I do it for myself. The side makes no difference to me, but their army is many, and would be a banquet to me."
"Why do you not do this then? Why do you seek my counsel?"
"I come to offer you a bargain. Reject my offer, and I will ride through your camp, feasting on your men until there is naught left but fodder for crows. Accept my offer, and I will ride thus through the camp of your enemy. Your men need not fight, and your battalion shall remain in tact."
"What is your offer?"
"There is one among your number who will make a worthy addition to my own honour guard. You will give me this man, to do with as I please, and the bargain shall be complete. This man will be mine, and your men will be spared."
Pharrigan winces. He does not wish to hand any of his men to the Lady Contagion, but if he does not, then he will hand all of them to her, if not to his enemy. What is the life of one man against the life of three hundred?
"Very well. Who is the man you seek?"
"Me? But why?"
"You will make a fine prize. Oh yes, I have heard tales of your valour, and your presence would be welcome among my guard. Do you accept my offer?"
Pharrigan hesitates. He does not wish to die, but he cannot leave three hundred good men to perish of plague if they need not do so.
He nods. The Lady Contagion smiles, and leans forward. She brushes her blue, chapped lips across his cheek, and bile rises in his throat. The sharp stench of death is intolerable at such close quarters, and the buzzing of flies fills his ears. She turns to leave, as if sensing his discomfort. The Lady raises her hood and leaves the tent. She is already mounted when Pharrigan recovers himself and rushes outside.
"You are leaving me?"
"Not for good. I will come for you when it is your time. I have marked you."
The skeletal horse wheels around and breaks into a gallop. The Lady Contagion rides through the camp and out across the moor, flying through the gathering darkness towards the valley where his enemy lies. In his mind's eye, Pharrigan sees her reach the camp. She rides among the sleeping soldiers, and stands by their roaring fire. She tears strips from her shadow, cast on the ground by the light of the flames. The Lady blows the tatters among the men, where small breezes carry her sickness through the air.
Pharrigan knows that the plague has reached their camp, as surely as he feels her poison gently take hold in his blood. He does not know if she has given him days, weeks, months, or even years - but he knows that Lord Eddister's men will be dead by dawn.
Original image by Alan Lewis. Edits by me.
Friday 17 May 2013
Tuesday 14 May 2013
[Interview] Nerine Dorman on Camdeboo Nights
Last week I reviewed Nerine Dorman's ace Camdeboo Nights, and today I'm welcoming her to my blog to talk about it further!
1) How would you sum up Camdeboo Nights in a single sentence?
Part road trip and monster mash-up, the story takes four teenagers on the ride of their lives.
2) It feels like a very 'personal' book. How much of yourself is in the story?
Interestingly enough, this is possibly the least personal of my novels. I did draw on some of my experiences, like being bullied at school. I was also touched on some of the results of bullying because at the time of writing, we'd had our "Ninja Killer" case. So there was that... But also my great love of the hamlet of Nieu Bethesda in the Karoo, in a part known as the Camdeboo. So, while vampires made wonderful villains in this tale, I also touched on African myths and mixed in a few strange ideas of my own.
3) Your other books tend towards first person P.O.V., but Camdeboo Nights is more of a head hop. What made you choose a different style of P.O.V.?
I'd recently read my first George RR Martin novel, and I wanted to experiment with telling one story from multiple points of view. Some may find this disorientating, but I decided to write each chapter from either one of the two primary characters (Helen and Trystan) and swapped out with the two secondary characters (Arwen and Etienne). This was immensely fun because no character has all the information, and it's wonderful watching them flounder around without being privy to all the important details. So, readers get to see what's happening while the characters remain in the dark.
4) Your stories are always very character-driven. Where did you get the ideas for the characters in Camdeboo Nights?
Trystan was my first. I'd always loved the idea of a vampire who was on the run from his kind holing up in the most obscure place he could find. And I had to give him something special, a quirk--and his is that he relates more to his 1947 Hudson Commodore, which he's kept in mint condition over the years, than he does to people.
Helen changes that. I don't want to say much about her for fear of spoiling some of the surprises, but she's got a good heart, and genuinely tries to keep it all together when everyone else around her is falling apart. Her parents are in the process of getting divorced. Her mother has a mental illness and her father is off gallivanting with a much-younger woman. Not an easy time.
Arwen and Etienne are almost comic relief. Arwen's parents were real eccentrics who named her after a character in The Lord of the Rings. Etienne is a little person who gives as good as he gets. Although he puts up with a lot of bullying, he doesn't let it affect him.
5) Will there be a follow-up?
At this point, no. I've got a bunch of projects on my plate that are going to keep me busy for a while, but I'm very keen to pick up the story 10 years from where it's at now. I have... Some ideas. But I need to let them ruminate for a while.
You can buy Camdeboo Nights from Amazon US, Amazon UK, and Kobo.
Bio: An editor and multi-published author, Nerine Dorman currently resides in Cape Town, South Africa, with her visual artist husband. Some of the publishers with whom she works include Lyrical Press, Dark Continents Publishing and eKhaya (an imprint of Random House Struik). She has been involved in the media industry for more than a decade, with a background in magazine and newspaper publishing, commercial fiction, and print production management within a below-the-line marketing environment. Her book reviews, as well as travel, entertainment and lifestyle editorial regularly appear in national newspapers. A few of her interests include music travel, history (with emphasis on Egypt), psychology, philosophy, magic and the natural world. You can stalk her on Twitter @nerinedorman.
1) How would you sum up Camdeboo Nights in a single sentence?
Part road trip and monster mash-up, the story takes four teenagers on the ride of their lives.
2) It feels like a very 'personal' book. How much of yourself is in the story?
Interestingly enough, this is possibly the least personal of my novels. I did draw on some of my experiences, like being bullied at school. I was also touched on some of the results of bullying because at the time of writing, we'd had our "Ninja Killer" case. So there was that... But also my great love of the hamlet of Nieu Bethesda in the Karoo, in a part known as the Camdeboo. So, while vampires made wonderful villains in this tale, I also touched on African myths and mixed in a few strange ideas of my own.
3) Your other books tend towards first person P.O.V., but Camdeboo Nights is more of a head hop. What made you choose a different style of P.O.V.?
I'd recently read my first George RR Martin novel, and I wanted to experiment with telling one story from multiple points of view. Some may find this disorientating, but I decided to write each chapter from either one of the two primary characters (Helen and Trystan) and swapped out with the two secondary characters (Arwen and Etienne). This was immensely fun because no character has all the information, and it's wonderful watching them flounder around without being privy to all the important details. So, readers get to see what's happening while the characters remain in the dark.
4) Your stories are always very character-driven. Where did you get the ideas for the characters in Camdeboo Nights?
Trystan was my first. I'd always loved the idea of a vampire who was on the run from his kind holing up in the most obscure place he could find. And I had to give him something special, a quirk--and his is that he relates more to his 1947 Hudson Commodore, which he's kept in mint condition over the years, than he does to people.
Helen changes that. I don't want to say much about her for fear of spoiling some of the surprises, but she's got a good heart, and genuinely tries to keep it all together when everyone else around her is falling apart. Her parents are in the process of getting divorced. Her mother has a mental illness and her father is off gallivanting with a much-younger woman. Not an easy time.
Arwen and Etienne are almost comic relief. Arwen's parents were real eccentrics who named her after a character in The Lord of the Rings. Etienne is a little person who gives as good as he gets. Although he puts up with a lot of bullying, he doesn't let it affect him.
5) Will there be a follow-up?
At this point, no. I've got a bunch of projects on my plate that are going to keep me busy for a while, but I'm very keen to pick up the story 10 years from where it's at now. I have... Some ideas. But I need to let them ruminate for a while.
You can buy Camdeboo Nights from Amazon US, Amazon UK, and Kobo.
Bio: An editor and multi-published author, Nerine Dorman currently resides in Cape Town, South Africa, with her visual artist husband. Some of the publishers with whom she works include Lyrical Press, Dark Continents Publishing and eKhaya (an imprint of Random House Struik). She has been involved in the media industry for more than a decade, with a background in magazine and newspaper publishing, commercial fiction, and print production management within a below-the-line marketing environment. Her book reviews, as well as travel, entertainment and lifestyle editorial regularly appear in national newspapers. A few of her interests include music travel, history (with emphasis on Egypt), psychology, philosophy, magic and the natural world. You can stalk her on Twitter @nerinedorman.
nerine dorman