Friday, 29 November 2013

#FridayFlash - Psychic

Image by fliku
People always think it must be so great to be psychic - oh, imagine the things you could know, the ways to make money that you could find. You'd be a god, surely?

How I wish I could agree with them. Imagine looking into the eyes of your beloved and knowing the love affair was entirely one-sided, that you'd be discarded the moment their true love came along. Picture yourself working your fingers to the bone while knowing your boss thought no more of you than he did of the dying plant on his desk. See yourself in shop after shop, being pleasant and polite to those who serve you, all while knowing your shoes or hairstyle would become fodder for gossip the moment you'd left. How about your friends? Do you really think they care for you?

Now let things take a darker turn. Imagine hearing the murderous thoughts of the man behind you in the street. You head into an all night off licence you would not normally frequent and hear his frustration as he continues his path outside to seek other prey. You should feel gratitude for your gift, knowing that were it not for your abilities, you'd probably be lying in an alley, your life ebbing out into the gutter, but your thoughts stray back to your lover. The lover who harbours no emotion for you, despite his protestations.

You would pay almost any price for ignorance. Even your life.


  1. Strong point about the skill saving the psychic's life only to live with the knowledge the killer will strike another. High price for ignorance. An 'off license' is like convenience store, right?

  2. A great little tale about the perils of knowing peoples' thoughts. I'd imagine psychics would try all sorts of things to gain some peace and quiet at times, even if whatever they tried was quite harmful. Drugs come to mind initially. See, you've set me thinking now lol.

  3. ignorance is bliss, great thought-provoking tale!

  4. Nicely written Icy.

    I think a gift like that would definitely be a double-edged sword, often it's better not to know the inner thoughts of others.

  5. The "untuned" radio effect would be far worse than anything one might hear, yes. Just the noisiness of the world. This depicted that beautifully.

  6. I imagine I'd be driven to many drugs. Most of my psychics are curmudgeons for problems similar to these.

  7. This story should cure the temptation of those who'd love to be able to listen in at all of those mental keyholes.

  8. Great story, I'd love to see it in longer form. There's a lot more material here!

  9. Yes, there's a reason psychics seem always to have dark circles under their eyes.
