Monday, 3 September 2012

Bloody Parchment II submissions open

Anyone who reads this blog will know I have something of a fondness for horror. Therefore it won't come as a surprise to learn that I'm working on a short story for an anthology competition in the Victorian horror vein! Why am I doing this? Well, I want to submit to the second volume of Bloody Parchment, and I want to share the details so you can too. So if you have a horror or dark fantasy story of 3,500 words or less and you want to try your luck, click HERE to check out the guidelines. Submissions close on October 31. So get writing!

I should also note that the first volume, Bloody Parchment: Hidden Things, Lost Things and Other Stories, is available now, and features stories by the likes of Stacey Larner and Benjamin Knox. You can pick up your copy here.

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