Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Forthcoming goodies and a new mailing list!

Good evening chaps and chapesses,

Is everyone still in one piece after Irene? I sincerely hope so, so if you were in an affected area, feel free to leave me a comment and let me know you're ok. If you weren't in an affected area then I'm sure you'll agree with me in sending lots of good thoughts to those caught up in it.

This is a brief blog post to say "I'm back!" now that I'm back at home. Much writing and PhD research can now ensue, but more importantly...it's not long until you can get your paws on my first book, The Guns of Retribution. The paperback comes out on 24 September (I'll let you know the Kindle date when I get it). I'll be organising a launch in Newcastle upon Tyne nearer the time, and I'll be popping up on various blogs too. I'll also be posting a series of articles about the perils and joys of writing historical and genre fiction so I'm trying to make the "campaign" useful and interesting as well as promotional.

In the spirit of whetting your appetite, I'm also going to be releasing a free download! Dead Man's Hand will collect the Friday Flash trilogy I posted earlier in the year, now edited and expanded, and it will include the whole first chapter of The Guns of Retribution as a little taster for you. Once I get it uploaded, Dead Man's Hand will be available from Smashwords and Amazon for absolutely nothing!

Last but not least, I'm in the process of setting up my very first newsletter, and a mailing list sign up form is now available! If you'd like to receive links to my stories and articles, as well as links to all the cool and eccentric things I find online, and even some exclusive fiction, then drop me your email using this form. I promise your details will be safe, and I won't bug you too often!

So until next time...take care of yourselves, and each other.

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