Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Links a plenty - writing advice on the web

There's an awful lot of advice online for the aspiring, intermediate or even expert writer, and it's sometimes difficult to keep up. As it's been a while since I've done a "links" post, I've decided to compile a list of some of the latest blog posts I've come across to do with writing (and yes, I did write the Fuel Your Writing post, before you say anything). As a further note, I highly recommend all of these blogs for their insightful and often just plain interesting articles.

How To Stop Your Creative Muse Walking Out And Cheating On You
A Big Creative Yes

45 More Tips For Writers, From Writers
Marelisa's Abundance Blog

10 Steps to Making Your Author's Blog A Success
A. Victoria Mixon

8 Fiddly Things You Can Do To Your Manuscript To Make Your Editor's Day
Hey, there's a dead guy in the living room

Writing Historical Fiction? How to Write a Book Set in the Past
Quips and Tips for Successful Writers

What the Fiction Editor looks for
Rachelle Gardner

10 Things To Do Before You Self Publish
Self-Publishing Resources

To Betta or not to Beta
The Kill Zone

Six Core Analogies for the Six Core Competencies

Your Online Press Kit

Self-publishing vs Traditional Publishing
Nathan Bransford

Seven Tips for Submission Success
Fuel Your Writing

And for a little bit of general silliness...

Marvel Comics Family Trees
How to be a Retronaut


  1. Ahhhh, that should keep me busy until 5:30 :D Cheers!

  2. This is a great compilation of links. I've heard the refrain that because advice can be contradictory, none of it is worth listening to. That's wrong headed, just as bad as saying that because some people do nothing but read advice without trying to implement it, therefore reading advice is counterproductive.

    Read, learn, practice.
