Sunday, 16 May 2010

Immortalised in Comic Form

Fame beckons!!

If everyone goes to have a look at the Alone In A Crowd strip for May 14 2010, they'll get to see me! I'm the black-haired girl!!

I'm very, very chuffed about this for various reasons. One, it's not every day that you make an appearance in one of your favourite comics, and two, I think Tom's made me look pretty awesome!!

I really do recommend that everyone take some time out, go over to Alone In A Crowd, and start reading from the beginning. I can't stress enough how good it is, or how lovely its creator Tom is. He's a fellow member of Jimmy Misanthrope's Below the Fold collective - you can check out the other members by clicking the links down the side of my blog. I'll be introducing you to everyone over the coming weeks, so start swotting!

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